Family Information

Families and carers, are the primary nurturers, educators and role models for your child. You can foster educational continuity from the home to child care by being actively connected to your child’s learning. Research consistently shows that parental involvement maximises the effectiveness of early childhood education and care programs.


At Early Years Care you:

  • are welcomed and treated respectfully
  • are a participant in your child’s learning
  • are included in the process of documenting children’s learning
  • are encouraged to contribute new and interesting ideas and possibilities
  • are a learner with and alongside your child as are our educators
  • At Early Years Care
  • All children are knowing, competent and able learners
  • The program happens within a warm, nurturing and stimulating environment that is home and family based
  • Children are given the opportunities for decision making and for further independence and responsibility
  • Hands-on activities further encourage problem solving and scientific skills
  • Children are encouraged to appreciate nature and to explore it with respect
  • Attractive learning areas are designed to encourage a variety of self learning prompts including: writing, creative arts, dramatic play, reading, blocks/ construction, problem solving, loose parts, computers/technology.


Communication between you and your educator is one of the most important aspects of a successful care partnership. As your child develops and their needs change, it is most important to regularly discuss these changes. Talk to your educator about the experiences that your child enjoys. Ask the educator what they might provide and where the children play. It is important that you and your educator make regular times to discuss your child’s day, needs, interests and routines. You can add ideas to the curriculum plan and share ideas together. Your life, culture and diversity add depth to our learning and information is always respected

Early Years Care provides environments and experiences that support children and implements practices which ensure that your child is happy, healthy and most of all, safe.

Whether this is helping them settle when they arrive in the morning, supporting them to remember to put their hat on when going outside, or knowing what to do if they have an allergic reaction, educators are committed to your child’s safety. Please don’t hesitate to tell your educator about anything that will make your child’s day happy and safer.

You can also contact us at No issue is too small to mention when it comes to your child.


Our director can be contacted at

For enrolled families we have online resources in the family resource section of our web site.

Please talk to your educator or our office staff about accessing these.



Child Care Subsidy and Fees

Child Care Subsidy from the Australian Government offers assistance to families to help with the cost of child care aged 0-13 years. There are 3 factors that will determine a family’s level of Child Care Subsidy, which include:

  • Combined annual family income
  • Activity test – the activity level of both parents
  • Service type – type of child care service and whether the child attends school

Families who wish to receive Child Care Subsidy as reduced fees must apply through the myGov website. This includes completing the Child Care Subsidy activity test. Child Care Subsidy is paid directly to our Family Day Care Service to be passed on to families as a fee reduction. Families will contribute to their childcare fees and pay the difference between the fee charged by the Family Day Care educator and the subsidy amount received. This is called the ‘gap fee’. This must be paid electronically regularly.

On enrolment we will need the Customer Reference Number (CRN) of the person linked with the child, along with the child’s CRN so we can confirm the attendance and ensure that you are receiving the appropriate subsidy.


Each educator sets their own fees according to the service they provide to families, therefore fees can vary across our service. Please call the office if you have any queries.